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Hello Good People!!

My name is Josette Miller. I am the founder, creator & artisanal curator for the lovely business of mines. 

This business was created with the intent of people loving the beauty of their natural skin, hair and overall well-being. Always remembering to take & make time to self-care with "you" in mind.

My business was created to provide a sense of well-being for not only myself but my family by using vegan, natural and organic products to make body care, candles & most recently mocktails. I love to create a luxurious vibe to not only relax and kick back with but to give yourself a level of luxury to make you feel good. 

As a mother, daughter, sister, aunt, wife & caretaker, boss, jack of all trades, hustler of many things & overall awesome little lady. I bring to you this labor of love. 

I always wanted to provide an experience and sense of luxury in my understood form when I created my flagship products and as I consistently create products for this business & brand.

So take a journey with me as I introduce you to

*J. Botanicals* 

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Our Mission


We curate all luxury body care and home fragrance products by hand with vegan and natural materials. Our mission is to promote healthy skin to bring the most natural beauty, self-care and self-love out of you. Our luxury products are packaged in the company's signature frosted glass and bamboo jars. Keeping our environment in mind we give our consumer the ability to reduce, reuse and recycle all packaging once our products have been used.

J. Botanicals as a company wants to establish sustainability and promote upcycling by using lightweight packaging and natural materials. These materials provide a steady equilibrium in the environment while meeting the personal and home care needs of our consumers. 

See our Announcements below for our Atlanta Private Events & Pop-Up Shops coming in 2023!

My Story

I'm a "Hustler" baby is a good name for an entrepreneur I emphasize "hustler" because you have to have a sense of go-getter in your bloodstream to understand. I have seen someone who doesn't have the hustle gene in them and I tell you I rather be a "hustler" in my opinion, Imao. I always had a knack for creating things and making money somehow someway have been a bartender, a balloon artist, an Uber driver, a graphic designer, and a candy maker to name a few that I can remember.


So of course reading ingredients an the back of a hair/body product jars made me realize well damn maybe I can create what they have. Not exactly what they have but you know some version of that. I have always been an open person to try new things my motto is "I will try everything at least once" it gives me a sense of purpose to

keep things fresh, spontaneous and fun in your life, relationship, mental health and just your whole being.


I began to research natural products, the butters, the oils, the emulsifier, the preservatives, the packaging, the botanical aspect, essential oils for benefits and smells alike. From that I have been making body butters, hair balms, lip balms, deodorant, body, lip and face scrubs, hair and face mask and oils. And yes a sister got into the candle business as well but trust me that's another story.


Within the initial 3 years of market research, branding, development, testing, smelling, learning about pH levels and formulations, & documenting everything (well trying to) along the way'. I have created some good and not so good products. But some part of me knew a business could come to life out of it but wasn't pressed or jumping at the chance to start a business. I knew from years ago that a business was and is hard work. You may not see profits until years 3 to 5 if you do it right. Hell if you do it wrong you will just do enough to get by and maintain.


Then the pandemic hit I know for a fact 2020 brought a lot of hustle out of people with the world changing like it did. Schools, businesses, restaurants, the world basically shutdown. I was itching for an outlet and ready to escape my home because I always stayed moving and shaking. In 2021 we were one foot in and one foot out the door I had a chance to learn and still learning the social media world from a business aspect and 2022 the sky is beyond the limit. I'm still a work in progress, still testing, still learning, but I am extremely happy with the products I have made and the products I continue to make.


This business, my business is on the way in full " hustle" mode. 

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